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When people think of online training, they think of onboarding courses, compliance training, or other internal tasks. However, a BlueVolt-hosted university allows you to do more: one of the benefits of hosting a university on our platform is the value it brings to your partner channel reach. 

What is a BlueVolt-hosted university? 

A university with BlueVolt is a central portal that can host and track all your online training: training courses, webinars, documents, or sign-ups for in-person trainings. A university with BlueVolt also allows you to track course completions, include surveys, and more. 

What’s the value of training your partners & end users? 

Partner Experience: In a 2022 CompTia study on business partnerships, 91% of participants said that partner experience was important or critical in choosing a vendor to work with. Of these same participants, 88% said that the ease of the onboarding process with a new vendor was of moderate to significant importance. Accessible online training streamlines onboarding for new partners and provides them with a resource to train on your products. 

But the partner experience doesn’t end at onboarding—continuing to have training available for your partners helps to strengthen the relationship, building both trust and loyalty. 

Messaging Consistency: Your branded university allows you to keep your messaging and branding consistent and trains your channel how best to communicate your message. When your messaging is consistent, it keeps your brand top-of-mind, helping to build brand and selling loyalty. According to a recent LinkedIn article, it also builds credibility, as customers know what to expect from you and are more confident that you will deliver.  

Post-Course Surveys: When you make your training available to partners or potential end users, you gain analytics and data on learner engagement, allowing insight into potential opportunities. For example, in a case study with Minerallac, they revealed they used end-of-course surveys for lead generation—and ultimately doubled their sales—by asking simple questions like “Would you like further information?” 

How does BlueVolt help you improve channel reach—even with partners out of network? 

With a BlueVolt-hosted university, you can bring in learners you would like to train on your products: whether they’re part of the BlueVolt network, part of your network, a prospective client, professional or end user. 

Training your sales channel through a BlueVolt university platform has numerous benefits, including: 

  • A central portal to host & track your training 
  • The ability to reach your entire channel: partner to end user 
  • Keeping your messaging consistent and up to date 
  • Capturing data & analytic insights 


BlueVolt is not only an excellent tool for internal training and training partners who are in our network, but for extending your channel reach and training out-of-network partners. 

To learn more about setting up your own university with BlueVolt, contact us today! 


Sources: Partner Experience Trends 2022 Research Brief | CompTIA, Why is a consistent brand message essential for your business? ( 

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