For the 2021 Summer Release, BlueVolt just added a significant workflow enhancement to its unique Sharing Center.

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Quick Background on the Sharing Center

BlueVolt’s solution offers more than just another LMS platform. We wanted a way for channel partners to connect so that distributors, buying groups, contractors, retailers, and more could access supplier-created product training and other content directly from their partners.

That’s why we built the Sharing Center. Our digital connection hub of courses promotes channel partnership and encourages suppliers to prep and train their channel partners to sell more effectively.


So What Are these Sharing Center Enhancements?

The Product Team focused on enhancements for the “My Shared Courses” section of the Sharing Center admin dashboard, specifically under the “Courses Shared with Me” tab.

Before the Summer Release, it took time for admins to find the courses they needed to add to a category or assign to groups of learners. That’s why the BlueVolt Product Team came up with what we’re calling Smart Categories.

Similar to the industry idea of “picklists,” Smart Categories provide a modern and more intuitive way to sort and filter courses for your specific needs as a BlueVolt-Powered University admin.

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Whether you need to find a group of courses by the publisher, sharing status, the date shared, or the number of enrollments remaining, you can now filter and sort your list accordingly. Go from thousands of courses to the specific ones you need in just a few clicks.

How Will These Improvements Make My Admin Duties Faster?

Sorting and filtering alone will save you a lot of time, but the following two advancements will speed up the process even more.

Find and Update Individual Courses
If you’re looking for a specific course or group of courses, our Smart Categories enable you to filter out everything else. You can then select courses individually to make the updates you need faster than ever before.

Bulk-Add Courses to a New Category
The ability to bulk-add courses has been one of the most requested items, and now you have the power! Use our Smart Categories to select the courses you want by clicking the checkboxes next to the course name. On the right side of the screen, click the blue button to "Save Courses to New Category." Type in a new category name and click "Create Category" to add all those courses.


By the way, when you bulk-add courses to a new category, admins will have additional options, including the ability to share the new category with individual users in your University.

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Down the road, this feature will get additional functionality, including options for adding a category to a group and enrolling users and groups into the new category. We will keep you posted on when these additions go live.

Who Benefits Most from the Sharing Center Enhancements?

Right now, content subscribers, including distributors, buying groups, retailers, and contractors, will reap the immediate benefits of these tools and enhancements.

Manufacturers may not get new tech features to play with, but now that channel partners can sort courses more quickly, manufacturers should see an uptick in course enrollments.

Rest assured, manufacturers, we do have plans to make admin life easier for you, too. Those plans are further down our roadmap, which you can review by clicking here.

Are There Customer Training Courses for these Enhancements?

Yes! In the BlueVolt Customer University, learners can click on and enroll in the following two courses:

You will have to log in to the University before you can start the courses. Click the Sign up button to join the University for free.

We encourage all our customers to take these courses. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out directly to your Customer Success Manager.

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