BlueVolt Blog

What is CLR?

Written by Autumn Carpenter | May 2021

Channel Learning and Readiness (CLR) is often used interchangeably to describe sales training and sales-readiness. But what does CLR really mean in practice?

Channel Learning Explained

In simplest terms, channel learning is sales training. This type of training should include detailed, up-to-date information about the customer, company, product, industry, and what sales techniques work best.

Channel learning ensures that independent sales reps, distributors, and retailers fully understand and retain product knowledge information, which is vital for selling more products.

What is Channel Readiness?

Readiness involves making sure that sales reps possess the skills and knowledge for a successful customer conversation.

To have a valuable conversation, they need the most up-to-date information about the product, company, and value propositions. Online training offers the perfect platform to store this knowledge, especially when connected with channel partners. With all partners on the same platform, it becomes easier to get sales reps ready to sell.

How BlueVolt Empowers Customer Partners with CLR

In the trades industry, CLR is a solution that prepares channel partners to amplify brand messaging and increase sales. It is important that companies instill a CLR process that supports training and partner connections.

BlueVolt successfully links channel learning and readiness together with an extensive network of 5K+ industry partners. This network, which BlueVolt calls the Sharing Network, offers a unique opportunity and platform in which companies can instantly update their channel partners about key product details.


Interested in Learning More at a Virtual Event Dedicated to CLR?

You're in luck! The 10th annual LEAP Ahead virtual conference is June 15, 2021, and the theme is how channel learning and readiness strengthens your brand. Click here to register now! 


Want to Learn More about BlueVolt’s CLR Solution?

We’d be glad to connect and talk about how this CLR solution can work with your current training and marketing programs. Reach out today by providing your contact information below.