BlueVolt Blog

The BlueVolt Course Library Offers Compelling Courses from Recognized Publishers

Written by Autumn Carpenter | June 2021

Finding professional, engaging training courses in one place can be a challenge. For companies seeking on-demand training courses developed by award-winning publishers on a variety of topics ranging from safety to professional development — the BlueVolt Course Library (BVCL) is a comprehensive resource.

About the Award-Winning Publishers and Experts

Upper Diamond is known for their management and sales training multimedia courses, which are geared toward the 21st-century learner. Soon, 20 new courses will be featured, including:

  • How to Develop Your Personal Brand
  • Developing Virtual Teams
  • Unconscious Bias

SPARXiQ offers analytics, software, and training solutions that help companies accelerate their performance and profitability. Currently, they provide courses that outline best practices for nurturing value-delivering business relationships, increasing profitability through value add-in practices, and buyer engagement strategies. Some of their course include:

  • The Relationship Quotient
  • Negotiation Quotient 
  • (Coming soon) Modern Sales Foundation

Glaser & Associates, Inc. The Glasers, Drs. Peter A. Glaser and Susan R. Glaser, provide interpersonal communication and leadership development consulting services. Some of their featured courses leverage research-based skills to teach communication skills related to processing criticism, facilitating productive meetings through problem-solving models, and motivating people to take action. A few of their featured courses include:

  • Breakthrough Conflict 
  • Hardwiring Teamwork 
  • Persuasion & Influence 

ElecTec Global provides learners with the technical education needed to start a successful career in the construction industry. They offer a 16-hour course (divided into 20 bite-size modules) that teaches the basics of electrical estimating, which includes a core knowledge review of materials and labor approximations, risk assessment, overhead considerations, and scope of work profit margins. ElecTec Global is developing additional construction courses for mechanical, plumbing, and security system estimating professionals. Their current course is:

  • Electrical Estimating  

Cardconnect AIP provides courses that focus on helping merchants manage credit transactions and commerce. Some of their more popular courses include:

  • Avoiding Fraudulent Transactions
  • Best Practices for Credit Management
  • Leveraging Technology to Minimize the Effects Credit Card Rate Increases

Carrie Schmitz has educated people about office ergonomics for more than a decade. Her background in market research and product design helps global organizations optimize health and performance in the workplace. Schmitz will be premiering three new courses in July 2021:

  • Industrial Ergonomics: Best Practices for Reducing Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
  • Office Ergonomics
  • Preventing Back Injuries

What is the BVCL Advantage?

The BVCL Advantage Subscription can be added to any existing BlueVolt-powered University. If you're already using our platform for product and sales training, adding the BVCL Advantage Subscription can put all your training into one, easy-to-use platform.

Current BlueVolt members can reach out to their Customer Success Manager (CSM) today for more details.

If you're not a current BlueVolt member but want to expand your training platform with premade courses, send us a note below today to find out how the BVCL Advantage Subscription can accelerate your team member training program.