BlueVolt Blog

Increase Memory Retention for Training with KnowledgeBumps

Written by Wayne Fidler | August 2020



Discover How Easy it is to Use the KnowledgeBumpstm Tool 

Follow along in this video as we show you how to set up BlueVolt's patented memory-retention tool, KnowledgeBumpstm.


How Can KnowledgeBumpstm Grow Team Members & Improve Sales?

When you add KnowledgeBumps to each of your courses, you re-engage with your learners. Every time you re-engage, you trigger the memory of what they learned from your course.

By using this reminder tool, it keeps the training fresh in their mind. They'll be more likely to use their knowledge during the day, which will further reinforce the information.

For product training, KnowledgeBumps are the best way to stay top of mind with sales reps.

After all, your brand may not be the only one they're learning about. If you want to keep reps engaged and improve the chances of them selling more of your product, leverage KnowledgeBumps today.