BlueVolt Blog

How to Boost Your Business by Covering All 3 Sides of Training: Part 1

Written by Lisa Rigdon | November 2021

Training doesn’t stop when employees complete their onboarding. Businesses continue to change, so continuous training proves essential for team members to adapt, pivot, and make intelligent decisions.

That said, employee development is only as good as the company’s training program.

Many businesses in the trades industries, including distributors, manufacturers, buying groups, retailers, and contractors, are struggling to provide robust programs that address all three sides of training, including:

  • Safety and compliance
  • Skills development
  • Product training

Beyond not addressing all aspects of training, many businesses often treat training as a check-the-box situation. They don’t see an immediate pay-off and don’t understand why they should invest.


In this three-part series, we're going to examine each side of training including the short-term and long-term ROI. By the end of the series, you'll understand how to build a robust training program that will grow with your business.


Adding Interactivity to Safety & Compliance Training Can Decrease Risks

Most companies have safety and compliance training courses, but they are often dull, outdated, and a slog for team members to complete.

If learners do not engage with the training, memory retention rates drop, and your people are no longer safe on the job site. This increases risks, injuries, and insurance costs.

Balancing the business need to stay compliant with your team members’ needs to be engaged in the training is easier than you think.

After nearly 20 years in the industry, BlueVolt has learned that accessibility is key to good training. Employees who can access information when needed are far more likely to engage and complete training materials.

Providing training online ensures that employees complete the training on their schedule, addressing the business need for compliance. Furthermore, it saves on the cost of the trainer and the logistics of setting up in-person classrooms. Not to mention reducing injury and other risk-related costs.

Lastly, online courses can include gamification. Matching games, fill-in-the-blanks, and puzzle building are just a few interactive training methods that get learners excited. When learning incorporates interactivity, employees remember the information long after the training, helping team members to stay safe on the job.


Stay Tuned for the Next Posts of this 3-Part Series

Links will be updated as blogs are posted:


Bolster Your Training Program Today for Growth in the Future

When you change your mindset and start to see training as an opportunity for growth instead of a burden, you can change everything about your business.

At BlueVolt, we know that upgrading your training strategy to meet best practices will ensure long-term sales growth. Go here to schedule some time with our team and let us answer your questions about training development, the capabilities of our LMS platform, and our network of industry connections.